Selasa, 18 Maret 2014

Rambut Barunya Yongen..

Yippi..yongen rambut baru sekarang..poninya udah berubah jadi rapi gitu rambutnya...terlihat lebih dewasa dianya :) seneng liatnya..mhihi..


Minggu, 16 Maret 2014


Mendadak unmood tanpa sebab yg jelas gara-gara omongannya org itu.. gausah di percaya kan harusnya cuma Tuhan yg tahu hidup ini.. cuma Tuhan yg tahu jalan dan kisahku.. done! lupakan soal hal itu dan fokus ke Tuhan.. pandang Tuhan aja ya chy.. :))

Sabtu, 15 Maret 2014

The Golden Path

Take my hand this way we'll go,
Said the man above,
I'll take you to a place of joy,
Where you will find true love,
If you let go, go on your own,
But mistakes you will make,
For many other ways there are,
Which you are sure to take,
When you feel that you are lost,
All you have to do is pray,
And I'll be there once again,
To help you on your way,
I did pray and just as said,
He shined his light from above,
That showed me the way down the golden path,
That led me to your love.

I Love You

Just three little words
don't seem like enough
for someone whose smile
still brightens my day,
whose touch can make me forget
the rest of the world.

They don't seem like enough
for someone who's always been there
to celebrate with me
when everything goes my way
and to hold my hand
when my whole world
seems to fall apart.

But even though "I Love You"
can't express the depth
of my feelings for you.
I hope you know what's in my heart.
Because loving you
means more to me
than anything in the world
and it always will.

If there’s..

If there's one face I want to see,
so beautiful, so true,
one smile that makes a difference,
to everything I do.
If there's one touch I long to feel,
one voice I long to hear,
whenever I am happy,
or just needing someone near.
If there's one joy, one love,
from which I never want to part,
it's you, my very special love,
my world, my life, my heart.

A Deep Meaning of Friendship

Friendship is like the two rings that have different shapes
But can be combined with a very strong sense
Friendship is just a word
But it has a deep meaning
We’ll feel it when actually find
A continued friend in a life
Friendship has always been an oasis when we experience sadness
Friendship is always a joy to be complementary
A day without friends is very strange
Months without friends are very painful
True friends will always be missed
Talks will continue to be memorable
Easy to get a rich friend
But hard getting a forever friend
Because a true friend is not for a reason

Ice favorite dessert!



Aaaaaa.... pusing skripsian... tapi puji Tuhan.. bab 123 udah di acc dospem 1 and 2.. tgl 26 mau maju seminar..puji Tuhaann.. ^^ semoga seminarku lancar..dan tinggal melanjutkan bab 456 then..bolak balik acc seperti biasanya but setelah itu.. ada hasil yg di dapatkan setelah perjuangan panjang selama hampir 4 tahun berjuang di kampus unmul ini ^^.. selalu ada pelangi sehabis hujan.. mari semangat.. :D cayoo uchy !!!
Bersyukur Tuhan kirimkan penyemangat buatku..teman2, sahabat, keluargaku, abang, ade, kakak dan dia.. si yongen yg selalu rajin nasehatin dan bawelin aku kalo teledor.. -__- haha.. makasih Tuhan Yesus.. i love You, God.. i love them too.. :D

Call him Yongen!

Hello, now i'm come back my are you? haha too many spiders here... :p
Hmm.. i just wanna share my happiness when i found him.. he's someone that's surprissed me and lucky to made me fallin love with him.. maybe i'm so lucky found him.. aahh so thankfull to my Lord, Jesus for His love to ours.. i can forget my past that's so hurt me and survive again.. 
Hey, flat nose.. thanks because you're here.. i'd love you :')
I don't have many things to make you'll always happy with me but surely i wanna do my best..
Please, protect and save me.. :')
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